I'm adding a bunch of posts from my former livejournal account and handwritten journals. They chronicle dealing with my illnesses. Go ahead and read them if you feel up for it!
xo swiss!
Hey readers.
by Miss at 3/13/2008 11:35:00 PM 0 comments
The Concurrence of Lupus and Fibromyalgia
The concurrence of Lupus and Fibromyalgia: implications for diagnosis and management by Robert Bennett MD
It is increasingly evident that Fibromyalgia is a common accompaniment of lupus. In North America Fibromyalgia is amongst the 3 most frequent diagnoses made by rheumatologists (1,2). Many physicians feel uncomfortable with this diagnosis as there are no confirmatory investigations and current treatment is not very effective (3). Even when the diagnosis is correctly considered, physicians may search for some alternative (and more acceptable) explanation. If an abnormal test is found, it may be seized upon with an unrestrained zeal. Often this abnormal test is a weakly positive antinuclear antibody test (ANA) and the patient is told she/he may have lupus. Even when it is apparent that the diagnosis of SLE is incorrect, the patient is often reluctant to abandon this diagnosis. Two common clinical situations are seen in relation to these issues: (i) Fibromyalgia in a Lupus patient may be missed or denied, and (ii) Fibromyalgia may be misdiagnosed as Lupus.
Please read the rest of this article at http://www.myalgia.com/concurrence_of_lupus_and_fibromy.htm.
by Miss at 3/13/2008 11:30:00 PM 0 comments
tags: article, fibromyalgia, lupus
Lupus & Fibromyalgia Analysis by hss.edu
Fibromyalgia is a disorder that can occur alone or secondary to connective tissue disorders such as lupus. Studies suggest that about 25% of people who have Lupus also have Fibromyalgia. It's important for people who have Lupus to know about Fibromyalgia for several reasons:
- Many of the symptoms are the same. For example, fatigue, joint and muscle pain, morning stiffness, hand symptoms without observed swelling, Raynaud's phenomenon (painful hands or feet in response to cold), numbness, and headaches can be seen in both of these disorders.
- The treatments for Lupus and Fibromyalgia are very different, but Fibromyalgia can get in the way of judging the Lupus activity. If you are being treated with immunosuppressive drugs for your lupus but have continued pain and fatigue, those symptoms may be considered evidence of continuing Lupus activity, when they might be Fibromyalgia. So there is the theoretical risk that you might be treated with higher doses of immunosuppressants and be at risk for their side effects, when such drugs don't help Fibromyalgia and may not be needed at that time for your Lupus. For example, among people with lupus, the occurrence of fatigue correlates more strongly with the presence of Fibromyalgia than with their degree of Lupus disease activity or damage.
- The proper diagnosis can alleviate anxiety. For example, if you have numbness and it can be determined that the cause is Fibromyalgia, that can be reassuring because you know it won't progress and cause more serious outcomes, as might occur in numbness due to lupus. Because Fibromyalgia doesn't have the same internal organ manifestations and potential for damage that Lupus-mediated problems have, symptoms may have a better prognosis (outlook) if they are caused by Fibromyalgia.
Discerning the difference is also important for research. Fibromyalgia seems to affect the validity of some of the measurements of Lupus activity. Whether a new drug works for Lupus or not can be hard to figure out if 25% of the participants also have Fibromyalgia and are having symptoms for that are erroneously labeled as Lupus activity.
Please read the rest of this informative website at http://www.hss.edu/conditions_14358.asp.
by Miss at 3/13/2008 11:24:00 PM 0 comments
tags: article, fibromyalgia, lupus