The Love of My Life (edited title)

In September of last year, this guy on Myspace sent me a short message saying, "Hi." After I looked at his profile and saw how much we had in common, I sent him a reply listing everything we both liked, as per our mutual profiles.

Soon, we started talking online every once in awhile. I was so focused on Matt (my boyfriend at the time.), I never even thought of him as anybody other than someone I talk to online sometimes. He knows Loretta, who knows Emily, etc.

We talked a lot more about a month and a half ago about one of our mutual loves, David Cross. Then, a couple of weeks ago, he got online and said, "Guess who is going to be here next week?!?" and I immediately responded, "Chuck Palahniuk!!" We were both at the event but I didn't see him, but he saw me.

A few days ago, he got online and we talked about the Palahniuk signing event, and he sent me the photo he had taken with Chuck. I immediately liked him. His face is so sweet and sincere.

I asked him if he had a girlfriend and he said that he'd wanted me to ask that since the first time he messaged me.

He is really great.