I've noticed that a lot of people are finding my blog by researching eye allergies related to their computer screens and/or fluorescent lights.
Here are some great links that are related to these topics and may help you on your quest for information:
This site has a short article about Compact Fluorescent Lights, followed by reader comments. Several are from people who are negatively effected by CFLs.
This one is a discussion about CFL's impact on those with Meniere's, migraines, Epilepsy and Lupus. Some share helpful alternatives, while others share stories of how they are effected.
If you really want to know how a Fluorescent light works, and about the Ultraviolet Radiation they emit, this site is very helpful.
UV, Lupus, Fluorescent Lights - Links
by Miss at 7/17/2008 05:18:00 PM 3 comments
The Worst News Article Ever
EDIT: I totally linked to the wrong article. Here is the "Worst Article": http://blogs.clevescene.com/cnotes/2008/01/todays_sign_that_were_all_fed_1.php
Those of you with Fibromyalgia will find this putrid, just as I did. I hate to give this writer any more hits to this article, but I feel like I need to post about it.
A writer for a free publication called The Cleveland Scene, writes an article in response to a New York Times article titled, "Drug Approved. Is Disease Real?"
However, in my opinion, it's pretty clear from his eloquent response that he didn't even read the rest of the article. He read the headline, and probably skimmed the first half.
It's frustrating that the article even addresses the fact that people with Fibromyalgia are stigmatized as chronic complainers, and then he just perpetuates this horrible myth. And the worst part? It's not even funny.
The first and only comment besides mine is pretty disgraceful, too. It implies that Fibromyalgia was made up just to sell Lyrica.
by Miss at 7/02/2008 01:32:00 PM 4 comments