When I'm so sick

for about a week, and I can't do any kind of chores or any kind of project, I can't make myself food.. i end up getting really depressed and lonely. when i feel this terrible i don't like to be alone because i just start dwelling on insignificant things that make me feel really pathetic and worse.


CAO- Chef Azura othman said...

I hope that you are feeling better now, I have lupus and i know what you are going through.
Lots of love xoxo

SusanNM said...

I'm sorry you are feeling unwell. I understand completely just how depressing and frustrating chronic pain can be, not to mention disabling.
Be sure to take life minute by minute, realizing that we can only live in this minute, the the pain you felt a few minutes ago is gone and that the future is uncertain....maybe you'll feel better in the next few minutes. I know, it sounds totaly hokey, but it really helps me stay "in the now".

Miss said...

Thank you so much, you guys.